Invincible Season 2 Plot


Season 1 of Invincible was a great, new animated streaming show based on the comics that had an adult, mature vibe to it’s story and action, while still maintaining a joyful, funny, and hopeful tone throughout this show. It’s basically a superhero story with the main character, Mark (above), a young teenager wanting to be his superhero dad, Nolan (below), who is like a Superman character.

invincible - omni-man

Nolan says he is from a distant planet on a peacekeeping mission, but as the story progress we eventually discover his true motives. There are definitely some major events from the first season that makes this an interesting show to watch:

  • Mark becomes the superhero, Invincible, and takes on numerous villains in the story. He participates in a superhero group, Guardians of the Globe, which are the government sanctioned protectors of Earth (like a Justice League) from any global and/or extraterrestrial threats. Mark learns that being a superhero isn’t easy and learns to make hard choices from his successes and his failures.

  • He learns the true motive/purpose of his father’s stay on Earth. Nolan is part of an inter-galactic Viltrumite empire that conquers other planets. The reveal of his true motive has a huge impact on the story and the characters.

  • The Robot character creates a human body for himself by using the DNA from one of the Guardians and then transfers his consciousness to his new body with the help of the Mauler twins. The Mauler twins are blue, large, muscular, genius-level engineers who try to keep cloning themselves and they can never tell who is the real Mauler. Robot will become the leader of the Guardians of the Globe.


As season 2 begins, the show introduces a new character who will become one of Mark’s main villain, Angstrom Levy.


His main superpower is the ability to travel between different universes. His main objective was to gain the knowledge (like medical and technology) from all his alternative versions of himself and use this knowledge to benefit everyone. This sounds like a noble goal/intention, but this will not be the outcome he desires. Mark’s intervention to stop Levy’s goal will inadvertently transform Levy into a more vengeful villain.

Another new character is Thadeus, who is an older gentleman with a long white beard that is the leader of the Coalition of Planets, a group that stands against the Viltrumite Empire. After learning from Allen the Alien that there are other Viltrumites like Mark who are standing against the Empire, he sends Allen to try to recruit Mark to join the Coalition of Planets.

Invincible/Mark will continue to have personal growth throughout the show. He will have a more peaceful relationship with his father Nolan, despite all the happened between them in the first season. Nolan tells Mark that he has a step-brother and learns how to accept him as a family member and take care of him.

This show has a lot of parallel plot lines running at the same time. Mark is trying to balance his college life with being Invincible at the same time. Angstrom is visiting alternative dimensions to find what is Mark/Invincible’s weakness in order to defeat him. The Viltrumites are keeping Nolan in jail, while trying to stop the Coalition of Planets.


Darker Themes and Moral Dilemmas


Omin-Man’s/Nolan’s actions from last season has led to consequences in this season. His wife, Debra, is trying to move forward with her life and career by moving past the suffering she faced from Nolan. The Vitrumite Empire is looking for Nolan and want to arrest him for leaving Earth. Mark is trying to become a good superhero, while trying to avoid becoming like Nolan. The Global Defense Agency (GDC), the government agency who is lead by by a man named Cecil, who also manages the Guardians of the Globe are investigating ways to help deter future threats of the Vitrumite Empire as result of Nolan’s actions from the last season.

Mark continues to have this internal struggle of being a college kid with a romantic relationship with a girl named Amber, while still being Invincible, the superhero who saves the world from large threats on and off this planet. He sometimes is not sure if he can adequately serve both identities as the same time. Even while being Invincible, he is conflicted if he should deal with any off-world conflicts or focus on the conflicts on this planet first. He learns that being a superhero, his family and friends are in constant danger and is afraid of what may happen to them.

Many of the heroes/villains in this show face numerous ethical complexities throughout this season.

  • Donald, the GDA agent who is the right hand of Cecil, who was also killed in the last season by Omni-man, discovers that he is brought back to life every time he dies as a robot/cyborg. He decided that it was better for him to forget his past memories in order to avoid suffering psychological traumas from his past.

  • Debra, after learning from Mark that Nolan fathered another child with another spouse from a different planet, decides to take care of Oliver, as she would take care of her son. Even when she has negative feelings towards Nolan, she believes taking of Oliver is the right thing to do.

  • Atom Eve, another member of the Guardians, tries to help a local, rundown neighborhood rebuild it’s playground for kids, after it was destroyed in a big battle between Mark and Nolan from the last season. She uses her powers to fully reconstruct the area within minutes and it looks great and the kids enjoy playing in this area. However, she later finds out from news that the playground collapsed and the children were hurt. When she re-assembled the playground using her powers, she did not follow building codes and the playground structure was unstable, leading to it’s collapse. The ethical complexity was that she wanted to help, but ended up hurting people instead. The show suggests that it would be better to leave it to professional construction workers who can rebuild it properly and safety by following building codes.


There are potential for new alliances and betrayals throughout this season. Allen the Alien tries to convince the counsel of the Coalition of Planets to try to get Mark/Invincible to join their alliance in order to stand a better chance against the Viltrumite Empire. When Allen visits Earth to try to convince Mark to join, he says he will not join right now, but maybe he will join in the future.

Another new alliance is Mark joining with Nolan to help the defend the planet, Thraxa, from the Viltrumite invasion. Even from Nolan’s betrayal last season and Mark finding out he married again and has a son which is his step-brother, Mark decides to help Nolan and the Thraxians. However, Mark and Nolan are unable to stop the invasion and Nolan is captured by the Viltrumites for failing his mission to conquer Earth and they give Mark the same Ultimatum, surrender the Earth to the Viltrumites, or they will wipe out all of humanity on Earth.


Character Development and Relationships


Mark and his mother, Debbie went through a lot trauma from the last season. Mark relies on her as someone who can listen to his thinking and provide some advice. She helps Mark when he is struggling to deal with relationships with other characters like his girlfriend, Amber or when he accidentally kills someone while trying to protect her from harm.

Mark and Eve are good friends in this season, and there isn’t that much development between them until near the end of the season. After defeating the villain in the alternative universe, he is trapped there, until he is saved by a future Eve who tells him she loves him and ask him to do the same to his Eve when he returns to his universe. After talking with the current Eve, he decides not to tell her how he feels about her.

New mentors in this season will help Mark become a better superhero and a better human being. Cecil provides guidance and stability to Mark when facing challenges during missions for the GDA and would tell him what the right decision to make at that moment.

Art, the tailor who makes the suits for the superheroes, provides guidance to Mark as well, when Mark is having problems maintaining his romantic relationship with Amber. Debra counsels Mark when he is debating where or not he should continue his college studies or to fully focus on becoming a better superhero.

There are side characters that have growth arcs over this season. Nolan, who was the main villain in the last season, has a redemption arc this season as he realizes that it’s worth it to protect your family and friends, even if you will outlive them. He is more opposed to the Viltrumite Empire’s goal of conquering other planets. Rex, a member of the Guardians of the Globe, becomes more thoughtful when he nearly dies on a mission fighting the Lizard League. He realizes he was mistreating his teammates in the past and wants to make it right. He also gives Mark some advice on how to approach his romantic relationship issues.


Speculation and Fan Theories

Fans can come up with some interesting theories on what may happen in the season. This show can provide some interesting plot twists. One example is how will Mark react when he discover Nolan as a leader of new planet and receive even more shocking news about potential new family ties. Another example is if we will see Damien Darkblood, the demon detective from Hell that was helping Cecil solve the mystery of who killed the original Guardians of the Globe in Season 1. He was banished to Hell in Season 1 and he could return again in this season.

One of the many reasons viewers watch Invincible is for the potential surprises in character arcs and story direction. Mark/Invincible could visit cities/towns that were mentioned in the last season like Midnight City, which was the hometown for Darkwing, one of the original superheroes of Guardians of the Globe who was killed by Omni-Man last season and the show can delve into a potential story and/or character arc in those areas. Levy could visit other dimensions using his powers and meet different versions of Mark/Invincible and observe how they all act in a similar and different fashion towards Earth. The show will deal how Mark and Amber’s romantic relationship will unfold and if it will last.

Since this became a popular show on Amazon Prime, there is high expectation and speculation from the community that season 2 of this show will great. What will the meeting between Mark and Nolan be like after their intense battle at the end of the last season? Since Nolan did not complete his mission on Earth, how will the Viltrumite Empire deal with Nolan’s failure to conquer the Earth? They may send a potential messenger to seek out Mark and convince him to join the Viltrumite Empire. How will the GDA respond and react to this new threat from outer space? Season 2 of this show will eventually answer these questions and provide even more speculation afterwards.

Recent trailers for season 2 of Invincible tease and provide some hints on what may come in the new season. There is Mark trying to be good superhero, while trying to avoid becoming like his father. He is also trying to maintain a balanced, romantic relationship with Amber. Allen the Alien is talking to the council of the Coalition of the Planets to convince them to accept Mark into their alliance. Levy is talking about his power to traverse the multiple dimensions and his plan to gather the knowledge from all these dimensions. The sequid alien species from Mars from the last season may pose another threat to the people of Earth.


What do you think of Invincible season 2, if you have seen it already? What are you looking forward to the most? Please feel free to leave your comments below. Thanks!

If you are interested on my take on other TV shows/anime, check out my review on One Piece too.




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